User: SeattleGurl<3
MovieStarPlanet Version:
English US Question OR Suggestion: Suggestion
Comment: You should do jokes on MSP users. Like, you could make a new account, and trick users and be plain out weird. Then you would tell them your from a blog and your messeges (if the messages are appropriate) will go on your blog. Just an idea... ~SeSe (a.k.a. Selena, a.k.a. SeattleGurl<3)
I have agreed to this idea. I'm thinking about doing it weekly, but really I'm not quite sure yet. I'll see when everything is ready. First I must seek my first victim. >:) BEWARE!!!!
Also the name of this segment will be Weekly Creeps. I'm going to be doing it every Wednesday if I choose to do it weekly. If it is always on Wednesday, then that will start 3 weeks from now. The Weekly Creeps will be posted on this blog just to let you know. The only thing I'm not doing is telling the person that I'm from a blog because I want the person to be creeped out. ^_^
Anyways that's all about Weekly Creeps. Like I said this blog segment was suggested by SeattleGurl<3, so if you really like it then make sure you thank her and not me. If you feel weirded out by a Newbie on MovieStarPlanet chances are it's me. The other chance is there really is a creep on the other side of the computer. xD
*Remember if you ever think of an idea for my blog tell me. Comment on the ♥Suggest It♥ page and trust me I'll be sure to tell you if I'll use your idea or not. If you really want me to use it, be creative and make sure it's something that I'll definitely want to use.
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