Suggest It

This is the Suggest It page. On this page you can give me a suggestion to improve my blog in any way.  Using the Suggest It form give me a suggestion & if I like it I will announce it on my blog giving you credit for your idea.

*Put your suggestion below in the comments.
The Suggest Form:

User: $hort Curls
Movie Star Planet Version: English US
Suggestion: ...

If I don't use your idea, but you do want me to use one of your ideas you can always give me another suggestion & see if I like that one better. 

-$hort Curls


  1. User: jellybeanz16
    MSP version: USA
    suggestion: Maybe you can do a daily asking blog, like asking the people out there random questions, like "If you could have any pet, what would you like?" Or something like that.

    1. I don't know about the suggestion. I wouldn't be able to do anything daily with my schedule. I might consider in the future.

      -Short xo
